Make a difference in your community while preserving our sites for future generations.
Volunteering is a great way to get acquainted with members of the Friends, support the Friends' goals, as well as support the site. In 2023 alone, the value of Friends' volunteer hours equated to over $154,000 in value to the Historic Sites. We need you!
Why Volunteer with Friends?
Study after study reveals that most people who volunteer at least once a week, no matter what age, have reduced stress levels and inflammation markers compared to those who don't. It's simple: giving back and contributing to better our communities is good for everyone, including ourselves.
There are many opportunities to contribute your time, talent and treasure to preserve, protect and share the historical sites at Jemez and Coronado Historic Sites.
All volunteers are required to be a member of the Friends Group. Friends receive many benefits, including the pride in knowing that you have made a positive difference to protect our history. To volunteer, simply fill out and send the form below indicating the type of activities that interest you. To find out about the many benefits of being a Friends member - and the list is always growing, visit our Membership page or click on the button below.

There are so many rewarding reasons to become a Friend, but the most important is that it fulfills the need most people have to make their world a better place. No matter how big or large of an impact, it all makes a long term difference at each of our Historic Sites.
-Sherry Hardage, Board President
Accomplishments over the past 20 years
In 2023, the Friends celebrated 20 years. Here are just a few of the additions we made to the Historic Sites:
A/V System for Video Room
Patio Tables and Chairs
Mural Room Stanchions
Kiva Restoration
Carreta (oxcart)
Cobble Gardens
Adobe Bricks for circular kiva
Wheelchair Safety Railing to meet ADA requirements
Bronze plaque in honor of John Gaw Meem
Horno rebuilt at both sites
Museum materials
Establishment of kuaua.org website
Docent shirts and materials
Native garden maintenance
Trail maintenance
Jemez star party event support
Archaeology lab and education project
Testifying at legislative session in support of DCA
Award Program
Cloud based archive for board documents

Volunteer Needs

Sun Father Gift Shop at Coronado Historic Site and the newly opened Jemez Gift Shop cannot function without the our dedicated Member volunteers.

Whether it's an organized hike to Chaco Canyon or contacting guest speakers for engaging talks, volunteers often handle special event planning and coordination for both Sites.

If you love to teach, consider our Docent Training program which takes place every March for five 3-hour sessions, members can lead workshops and engaging talks that will have an impact on visitors. Call 505-867-4341 or 505-710-8798 to register or for more info.

If you are a strong leader and decision maker, consider becoming a Friends board member. The Board oversees Friends activities in support of each of the Historic Sites.

Members with experience in public relations or marketing, who are adept at publicizing events, may put their skills to use writing our newsletter and eblast or other media or public outreach.

There are many needs that occur throughout the year including grounds and trails maintenance, research, historic preservation, gardening or any need that arises. If you have the time, there is always a need for volunteers at both Sites!